Saturday, 3 March 2012

Time out Together!

Well, it doesn't happen very often, but my husband and I are going on a date night!  With three children and him away quite a bit for work, time alone together is like gold! Especially on the weekend! As you can tell from all of my exclamation marks - I'm quite excited!

Time out together is really important to get back in tune with each other - it's a great chance to talk about things besides the usual "can you pick up some milk on the way home?" type conversations that can end up forming a large part of the everyday together.

For those reading who don't have a significant other - time out with close friends or family is just as important!!  

So if you haven't got plans already this weekend - find time to satisfy your soul with some quiet time with loved ones, it can make the world of difference to the  beginning of the new week - you can start feeling happy that you've caught up with people that matter to you - fresh for the week with a positive state of mind!

Have a great weekend!

PS. Keep tuning in to your body and how you feel after eating certain things, and let me know what you've noticed, I find it interesting to hear other people's experiences!