Friday, 23 March 2012

Hungry for Change

I know one thing that I'm definitely doing this weekend!  No Romantic Comedy for me this Saturday night, I will be watching this much anticipated film "Hungry for Change" from the makers of the brilliant and much needed "Food Matters."

It's a film about food quality and how most foods in todays' society are not food, but in fact food-like substances.  

I can't wait to watch this movie, as I've only heard brilliant things about it. If you are questioning what is healthy, and are unsure, from what I've heard, this is a great place to start.

I found the key to changing my health and wellness was through learning and listening and while it may not seem as attractive as popping on the latest Reese Witherspoon movie (or action pic if that's more up your alley) this may help create the change you need in light of your own health. Your food is (or should be!) after all, your medicine.

Have a great weekend - let me know what you think if you watch it!