Thursday, 1 March 2012


So - I'm really passionate about the topic of my blog - so much that I realize I can ramble on and then get embarrassed that I have prattled on for so long!

In my excitement about starting this blog, I had huge desire to do it "perfectly!" That is - write everyday - no fail. This is because I know what it's like when you follow a blog, that if the email doesn't land in your inbox one morning, you feel a little disappointed, and even cranky that they haven't posted today - especially if you rely on it for motivation!

So at this point I apologise if I've already disappointed you! 

So then I was thinking about it, and I realised that it can be difficult some days to try and figure out when to fit in doing a new post. This is very similar to when you start a new "health regime!" 

You know the feeling -  when you start, you're so excited that you want to do it so well, you want to do it perfectly!  

Inevitably a day comes when no matter how hard you try, there is no way that you could achieve "perfect" status. For example, you go to a friends house for dinner, and you there's no alternative, you have to eat the "non-compliant" food on your plate.

So, I committed to blogging because I wanted to help a friend and I thought it could be useful for others too - those that I know and those that I don't! 

However, life happens, and I have realised that while you may be struggling to find time to be kind to your body - which is a routine that I've gotten used to now and is as common in my day as brushing my teeth or any other personal hygiene routine - I'm struggling to find time to commit to being regular with my posts. 

It doesn't take long, only 10 - 20 minutes - and I feel all the better for having done it! I also LOVE getting feedback - to know that my effort was worth it, and that it helped someone - just like the buzz you get from moving your body!  

My point is - while you are trying to find your "groove" with exercising or eating things that make you feel good (for longer than a few minutes!), I'm still trying to work out what "routine" suits me!       

Hopefully I'll have adjusted soon, and it will be as easy and normal as brushing my teeth or taking a shower!

Have a great day!


  1. I wanted to jump in and say I really enjoy reading your posts Sarah, I find you very motivating!

    I think that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I struggle to post more than a couple of times per week on my blog.

    As a handy hint which I'm not sure if you are aware of or not, there is a feature in blogger where you can actually pre-write posts and then have them set to automatically publish on a certain date and time. That way, if you have a spare hour or two (hah!), you could possibly write four or five posts and have them set to automatically publish each day.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  2. Hi!
    Thank you for the compliments artfindskate! I can see how it would be difficult to post more than a couple of times a week.

    Thank you also for your tip about pre-writing posts, I'm sure that will be very handy to know. I'm slowly learning!

    Off to check out your blog now!
    Thanks again! Have a great weekend!


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