Friday, 24 February 2012

Nurture your soul

Yay for Friday! You've got to love the weekend!  This is the first weekend in about 5 weeks that I won't be rushing around like a mad woman, so I will be savouring the sleep-ins and lazy moments. Cooking up a batch of steaming soup in the current rainy winter-like weather that we're having sounds like a good idea too. I've been guilty of trying to pack to much into each day frequently lately, so this weekend I've got a mission: relax! (I even manage to make that sound stressful!)

What are you up to? 

Despite the madness that your weekend may hold - try to find at least 5 minutes to 30 minutes for you in each day - to find some peace and quiet for you.

Whether that be just simply a cup of tea in your favourite place (I set up a new "love nest" which is just a small table with two chairs right outside our bedroom on the back deck which is perfect for this - weather permitting!) or maybe reading your favourite escapism style novel/magazines. 

Going for a walk with a destination in mind is fun also - for example, walking to the local markets, or to your favourite cafe for a coffee - it's a great way to start the day!

Take a small amount of time to nurture your soul and it will pay HUGE dividends - you'll feel much more balanced and calm - which for a lot of us means that you're less likely to find us in the pantry!

Have a great weekend!



  1. just found you through simple savings, love it so far

  2. Hi Nebuchudnessar,
    Thanks for your comment and for adding me as a blog you follow! Enjoy your Sunday!


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